Good tactical FPS, has some flaws, but it doesn't matter because its free.

User Rating: 7.9 | America's Army PC
America's Army, pretty popular FPS with good graphics, gameplay, sound but still lacks in a few points, one big one being the players that still have the ''All men for theirself!'' attitude, which doesn't work to well in most situations.

You'll be playing thru a big realistic tutorial to learn how to move thru obstacle courses, how to use certain weapons, how to jump out planes and open parachutes and how to become a medic, if you do tutorials like the weapon-aiming tutorial extra good, you can do some special sniper-tutorial which makes you unlock the sniper weapon, you can do about ten more multiplayer maps if you complete a house-tutorial, which makes you get thru a hourse filled with wooden paintings of terrorist, if you shoot enough in a certain amount of time, these will open up for you.

Online play is great for the first time, in the first few hours of the game you'll see that you can custimize you're own weapon, coming from if you want a grenade launcher on it or a stand for better aim, a normal ironsight or laserguide and such.

Theres also positions of the game, like in some games, only a few people can position the class Grenadier, grenadiers will get a normal weapon with a grenade launcher on it, and normal soldiers will go out with a few flashbangs, thermite grenades, frag grenades and flashbangs, snipers will go out with a pistol and sniper rifle, and commando's can go with their custimized weapons, I've been in some encounters where I wanted to be a certain class and I coudn't, which makes the game tedious since always the good classes are always taken.

Altho, there are Attack and Defend teams, attack just goes in for a attack and one player of that team needs to get to a certain place on the map to trigger the next round, while defensive sides needs to protect that spot, mostly by camping, it gets annoying here since all players mostly camp.

For the weapons, about 5 shots to the body can get you killed, grenades have huge, huge splash damage and flashbangs take about 10-20 seconds to get to you're own vision and hearing again, maybe its the aspect for realism, I don't know.

Doing training like medic are just.. crazy, in the beginning you'll go into a classroom and just watch a screen going about the basics of medic, just like any other soldier gets, and you can just look around you and see other future teammates do the same thing as you, it just looks so snazzy and is just a nice feature to the realistic-aspect to the game.

The game and its servers encourage medics (people that did the medic training) to help teammates in danger, its good since with the M button you can scream for help, medics mostly do this good, but sometimes rarely people just give you the finger and get back to dying.

For a free game, the graphics are great, the unreal engine does great for the game, bodies drop dead like the should do.

Although, I love some maps of the game, like the Bridge map, there is one bridge Attack-side needs to get thru, its just a basic map that are quickly played out, which is what everybody wants in the game.

Sounds are great, ranging from bullets hitting puddles of water and tree's and stone, from the bullets zooming around you're ears, the bad thing is that the game doesn't have shellshock, even tho the explosions sound great, theres no shellshock.

Tho, some textures look rather pixelated, the game does a great job.

Is it a good FPS:
Good game with military aspect, some good features in the game work great, but sometimes players that lack in motivation ruin the fun.

Give the game a download if you have the diskspace, the game is a few GB's bigs.