Great game,very addictive and very realistic,but you can get annoyed from it fast if you die fast or have a bad team.

User Rating: 8 | America's Army PC
Great game, it may take a while to download, but worth it. Before playing online, you have to first finish training. It's really life-like, but it's all really about how good your skills are on the keyboard :). Now that you're down with that, you go to play online. The good part: Very realistic, you can have alot of fun, and if you play just right you may be able to avoid alot of damage or dying. You can pick bewteen finishing objectives or killing everyone on the other team if your want to win a round. You can also pick what weapons you want if you get enough honur points (you get the from making kills or completing objectives). You can also interact with your team in diffirent ways, for example: Instead of typing in your message (If I am right you hit either the g or v button), you send out a certain message of your opinoin and its much faster than typing something and finishing the sentance right after your teammate dies.

Once your dead, instead of waiting and looking at your screen and thinking; Hey, did my friend just run out of ammo? Hey, did that guy just die? What the hells going on?!". No, it lets you go around looking around the field, or look at your teamates from a 3D or first person veiw.

The bad part: If your too confident you could usually go somewhere without if know who's on the other side, making very likely you would stop playing if your not pateint enough. Once you are dead you can still talk to your teammates and also you maybe could look at some from a 3-D point, making much easier for the player to spot enemies (so whats so realistic in that?) . You can be on a cheat server sometimes and you don't even know it (which makes the round sometimes unfair and not fun at all).

There's some very bad glitchs (if you look at the wall with your gun, instead of your character pointing his gun up it may sometimes go through, revealing your position). You could also be in a position where you're staying by a wall and on the other side someone throws a grenade, instead of hitting the wall and not you the blast may sometime hit you.

New players will have a hard time adjusting (those who played shooters and those who didn't), and may sometimes follow other players making follow the same route every time (for those who don't like to die) or a quick death.

In all it is a good game, those who like guns or reality should think about trying this, and you can find sometimes to lighten up your day.