While some may say this game is just propaganda, it really is just a good military shooter.

User Rating: 8.4 | America's Army PC
America's Army is of course a game created by the United States Military. While they may aim to use it as a recruiting tool, honestly, I don't see how this will make people want to join the Army. Perhaps it exposes you to what to expect, should you join, but there isn't any real message in there telling you "you can do cool things in the Army."

Besides the political aspect that many seem to focus on, this game is good as just a game. It behaves for the most part very realistically, except for the ability to jump on top and walk on paper thin fences, or the way a gun with 500 additions hanging off of it is just as accurate as a gun with a scope and nothing else.

Training missions, which sometimes involve just sitting in a classroom and taking a test, help to weed out those that are unwilling to complete them. Unless you finish medic school, you can not be a medic, as is the same with the sniper class.

Weapons behave well. Guns recoil and force you to realign your sights with every shot. Grenades have large blast radii, and even if the primary blast doesn't kill you, it's possible that the shrapnel will. Flash grenades are annoying as they last around 15 seconds if you are stunned by one, although distant flash explosions can cause only minor damage.

The graphical aspect of America's Army is nothing special, but it does what it needs to. The lighting is good and the feeling of gravity is ever present, especially when you see a body go plummeting off of Bridge Crossing and hit the ground at a very high velocity.

The sound in the game is immersive. Bullets can be heard whizzing past your head, pinging off of rocks and walls, and they have a unique sound when they hit a person. The guns themselves sound powerful, and the silencer actually has a realistic effect on the volume of the gun. The only downside is there is no in-game VoIP support, which can make it difficult to communicate with teammates when you are in the middle of a firefight. Ventrillo and Teamspeak can do the job, but this involves an honor code that people do not ghost, which unfortunately is common in games.

America's Army is an exceptionally good game, especially considering the fact that it is free. Anyone who is looking for a good military shooter should without a doubt at least give it a try. The basic training missions are not tedious or difficult, so simple play is no difficult feat.