I believe it's good in 1-hour playtime. But after that , I find It so boring. You couldn't do anything but be crashed

User Rating: 6.5 | American Chopper PC
I believe it's good in 1-hour playtime. But after that , I find It so boring. You couldn't do anything but be crashed with other vehicle. Nevertheless, the game picture and music are good. I don't finish it, because I don't want to waste my time.

By the way, I prefer the bicycle.

OK, this is my first game review. I hate the regulation which require you to write 100 words. You know that English is not my mother language, so I cannot write anything more. But I really want to post this review, so I decide to do this:

User reviews must adhere to rules found in the Terms of Use agreement. Please keep your language clean and allow the filter to censor out profanity. Follow these guidelines when writing your review.
Reviews must be 100 words minimum. Any disruptive posting - such as excessive exclamation points, duplicate text, or all caps - is subject for removal. Do not copy content from another critic or user review; plagiarism is a bannable offense. We encourage you to write your review in a word processor or text editor, save it to your local disk, then copy and paste it into the posting box below. Be sure to use the spell checker in the word processor.

Well, 100 words. :)