Great games but ones that don't make much sense on a handheld.

User Rating: 7 | Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology DS
I for one get a small amount of satisfaction by giving Jason Rohrer and whoever else involved w/ this a few bucks to split between themselves but that's about all I really got by buying this anthology.
These are truly top notch, artful and well-designed games that are built on touching premises but, to be blunt, you are really not going to get much more than an hour of gameplay out of the the whole thing. Thought-provoking while they are, these games lend themselves to handheld gaming as there's not enough content to explore for long play sessions rides and set time limits make them unsuitable for quick bouts of time-killing waiting at the dentist. All three games here are available free on PC and really work better there, especially Between which is meant for online play which is not included in the DSiWare version. I do recommend everyone download each of these games and try them out but support the developer by donating directly to him on his website rather than buy this.