A little too short for an RPG.

User Rating: 8.5 | Alpha Protocol X360
I thought Alpha Protocol was a great game because its one of the only games that has modern day guns, cool gadgets, and its a spy game.

Graphics: I thought the graphics were okay I have definitely seen better graphics in past games but I thought the game looked pretty nice. 7/10

Gameplay: this is where I started to wonder about this game especially in the beginning, I didn't like the shooting that much I think they could of done a lot better with that I would aim at guys and miss them, maybe that was just me but I had to sneak and aim at they guy for a few seconds for the crosshair to turn red then kill him but running and gunning is horrible in this game half the guys I ran up to and beat them down. I didn't care for the lock picking game because to me it didn't make sense when in Saudi Arabia they had wooden doors and when you messed up the lock picking the alarm would go off and leaving me questioning "how do they put an alarm on a wooden gate?" I mean I could see that happening on other doors in the game like in the headquarters where most of the doors are electrical but on a wooden gate, really? I also didn't care for the time limit to make a decision while talking to someone but it is realistic and you do need some realism in a game it just took me a while to get used to it because I've never had that in a game before. 6/10

Story: The story to me was very good and easy to follow and they don't lie that every decision matters. I just found it short for an RPG game. I mean fallout and Mass Effect took me forever because I only play games for an hour at a time and it usually took me about 3 months to beat but I was done in a little over a month and for me to beat a game in a month is a record. 7/10

Overall Alpha Protocol was a fun game and a great first try at a modern day spy RPG game I think it will be a lot better if Bethesda Softworks makes a version but that's unlikely