An awesome game covered with lost of bugs and control problems.

User Rating: 7 | Alone in the Dark X360
Alone in the Dark was an old survival horror game, that started out good, but towards the end, it started to loose its flavor. People are probably wondering if the new Alone in the Dark will bring back all the greatness that was there in the first Alone in the Dark. The real answer to that question is no. But, Alone in the Dark is still a good game.

You play Edward Carnby. The game takes place in New York. A bunch of these cracks in the wall that move appear and suck people in to them, and turn them into monsters. You have to take this stone, and find the secrets to Central Park, to stop the madness.

The problems with Alone in the Dark occur right when you start playing the game. THe controls feel funny. The controls work, but is will take awhile to get use to, especially when you are playing in third person mode. The combat works okay when you are fighting with a gun, but when you use a melee weapon, you have to move the right game stick to swing the weapon. Another problem with that is that you have to kill your enemies with fire, and sometimes it is hard to stick your melee weapon into the fire and then swing it. Driving is also a problem. The car controls are nice, but every thing in the environment, even small bushes stop you.

The graphics are pretty good. The character models look good, and the environments look good. There are some ugly textures, that really bring down the graphics.

The music in Alone in the Dark is amazing. I got the soundtrack edition, so I got a disk with all the music. The voice acting is okay, not the best.

If you want a good adventure game, or an easy way to get achievement points, I was able to get 1000 point pretty easy, then you may want to give Alone in the Dark a try. If you want the nest big adventure game, skip this.