If they remade the game and there's still issues, there's a problem.

User Rating: 6.5 | Alone in the Dark PS3
Ah Alone in the dark. I have fond memories of older games in the series, and I was going to buy this game on 360 when it first came out, until I saw my friend playing it, and realized it was awful (camera issues, lag, bugs, tearing, the works). So I held off picking it up, then I heard about inferno, a revamped version of the game with "none of the problems it's 360 version has" so I ran out and picked it up.

Alone in the Dark is certainly unique. It doesn't borrow elements from too many other games, although it did remind me of the Darkness quite a bit. At first I thought the dvd menu (giving players the ability to skip, and rewind parts of the game) was ridiculous, why would you want to skip past a hard part in a game? Then I realized that if you missed something, or wanted to snap up an achievement or trophy you could just rewind a few steps back to get it, and I came to appreciate the option a bit more. Another interesting aspect of the game is a tv show style recap of past events that have happened when you load a save file. This refreshes you, and gives the game a cool episodic feel.

but for every innovative aspect to the game there's a big setback. For one thing, Alone in the dark suffers from "enemies keep spawning" syndrome. If a rats nest is out of reach, guess what? You have to keep fighting rats until the end of time, or leave the area. This wouldn't be so bad if your ability to light things on fire when you didn't have ammo or flammable sprays wasn't so broken. I can't count how many times I've sat with a chair waving it around in front of a fire waiting for it to catch fire as it dangles idlely over the flames, the whole time being attacked by an endless spree of rats.

Black goo is also incredibly annoying, because if you take your flashlight off of it for even a second (to reload, or anything else for that matter) you're going to die, and then have to watch a cutscene again that you don't want to watch, but can't skip.

Also, if you're a fan of reaching a certain point in a game, and then being forced to do the same idle task over, and over again before you can progress, then look no further, because Alone in the Dark will make Christmas come early for you.

To reach the last chapter in the game, only to be told that I have to destroy enough "lucifer roots" to raise my level to 40 (you get 2 per root btw) is ridiculous, and arduous, and boring. I got through 6, got bored, and turned the game off, knowing when I came back to it I'd have to do the same thing.

When I turn off a game I like being excited about what I'm coming back to, not concluding that I want to put off playing it because of the redundant crap I have to endure. Thanks AITD.

Overall though, the game is a big improvement, and if it were refined just a little bit longer, could have been a really great game.

Oh, I almost forgot, this game has some straight up AWFUL driving sequences. I'm not asking for some cruisin' USA driving where I can knock down a red wood tree with my car, but let's be realistic here, is hitting a shrub, or park bench at high speeds really going to stop my car in it's tracks? I don't think so.