this is a good game but something is missing

User Rating: 7 | All-Pro Football 2K8 PS3
Well the 2K football series is back but it couldn't live up to the hype that it was getting. All Pro Football is a good game but it's limit of features is dissapointing even though the game is simple and exactly like the 2K5 game. You start the game by chosing 2 gold players such as Barry Sanders, Dan Marino and many others, next you can chose 4 silver players and 6 broze players and the rest of the spots are filled by other random players. After you go through that process you can choose your team name , stadium name, and jersey color. After you finish that process you can start a season but unfortunatly that's about all you can do. All though this is a good game you should only buy this game if you are a die hard football fan .