real good game (with little downs) worth playing

User Rating: 8 | Aliens vs. Predator PS3
Aliens vs predator

i haven't played the original aliens vs predator but i did try the demo of the second
game and i hated it. i was skeptical about this new game but it managed to please me.

game play

The game play was surprisingly good in the Alien campaign you can walk on walls,crawl around and make some real gore eliminations the only big problem with this alien campaign is the fact than at some places it's just impossible to climb on . The predator campaign was disappointing i was expecting some ting more of a infiltration mission type and playing as the predator is hard like hell even if ripping somebodies head with you bear hands is cool.For the marines campaign it's like a call of duty with aliens in it.

online is the best part of this aliens vs predator.Horde mode is grate when your online with a friend killing the sh*t out of aliens.There is a few interesting modes like randomly choosing an alien to kick the sh*t off there are so much different modes than telling you all of it will be real spoiler.

for it's great graphics it's not so bad game play and a excellent online i give this game 8.0 out of 10