A game that tried to do too much then delivered too little.

User Rating: 6.5 | Aliens vs. Predator X360
Short and sweet review here for people the game itself is fine just nothing special, apart from the odd control issue all the factions play well.

Human campaign is at first shooter horror but soon turns to just monster shooting, still fun though.
The predator campaign is stealthy and alot of hand to hand combat is involved with the odd plasma caster its quite short but still fun to play.
The alien campaign shamefully short about 2 hours long AT MOST I am not exaggerating it was very fun but my god I thought it ended 5 hours early. Do not get me wrong it was the best of the campaigns because I came to be an alien hunting and terrirfying my prey!

Multiplayer is strong but the balancing issues make it very annoying a marine can take down anybody with his arsenal as can the predator while the alien players must rely on being fast and stealthy which is a fun combination. Overall the game is good but it tried to do far too much for just one game, the lack of focus on one species was the main issue but overall the game does deliver three decent but short campaigns to play.