AVP fan that spect more from this game. but have a lot of good things.

User Rating: 7.5 | Aliens vs. Predator PS3
(I am sorry if the text is bad written but English is not my native language.)
I was a fan of the aliens vs predator universe in special of the games for pc. I must say that the game aliens vs predator 2 is one of the best videogames I ever played. I always wait for an release of AVP game for a console to play it on TV , this is why I buy this new game.
Unfortunately the game turned out to be a disappointment that no covered my expectations. I will explain why:
Not only the alien campaign is too short, but it is irritating. In versions of pc using the alien you are extremely fast and make a carnage easily with your enemies only by touching them; in this version the alien is almost the same speed than humans and need to attack them very hard to kill them, this makes it frustrating and boring and marines can cover to avoid receiving damage, that is ridiculous.
The predator have only 4 arms when in the other games had a whole arsenal. Most of the time you have to attack with your hands which again is slow and boring.
The best of these two campaigns is that both creatures can make holds on enemies an kill them in wonderful bloody ways.
The marine was personally the one that I liked the most. It is the longer and it has the best history although I must say that the 3 campaigns are connected. If you like to shoot monsters (aliens), be aware of an attack at any time and get immerse in a survival shooter then you will enjoy the marine campaign.
In the pc version, the online multiplayer was good and quite fun. Here, is not that good sometimes is funny and sometimes not. Grab your enemies and mutilate them is great but it becomes routine and seems that something in the game is missing. There are still good moments as attacking a squad of marines with all your alien partners and kill them all, or be a predator make yourself invisibly stock your prey and attack him with your hands or the plasma cannon.
There are many types of online game: war team, by species, withstand waves of aliens, the last to make it with life etc.
In conclusion: probably this game in particular do not satisfied me because I enjoy more the previous ones, maybe someone that play this for the first time you can like it, but still this is a game that don t recommend.