For such a short single player this game is not worth $80 it is worth $20

User Rating: 6 | Aliens vs. Predator PC
AVP is a follow up to the 2001(classic) Avp 2 PC game managed to really freak you out in the marine missions and the gameplay for each character was unique and interesting and still to this day can be enjoyed, but does the latest AVP stack up to the old? well... no although the graphics are amazing and the game still follows the same concept as the old its way too short!!! I could not believe that I had finished the game in around 10 hours and that includes all characters and the re playability was short and only good as the Alien .The marine and predator missions were boring and the controls were annoying I would agree with GS score of 5.5 if it wasn't for the Alien campaign (which still was short) but they managed to make it interesting enough to deserve the respect of an 7 I think. I am a big AVP fan but this game really annoys me because of the potential it had to be great game and with such good graphics this game could have taken the same effect as Crysis, maybe another follow up will live up to the original and the second yet 10 years after the release of the second they'd make some improvements, well they couldn't even do that and I'm guessing all those die hard AVP fans are in a raging fit, I no I was after buying it!!! especially waiting this long for a follow up and you get these results. enough said!!!
Sorry for the short review (more so just a page to get my anger out on) but this is all I can say about this game I have played it enough to know it is bad and I would only buy it if it was $20 or less, so AVP fans stick to the 2001 version you will enjoy it a lot more.
Thanks for reading Whatupdog11