not as good as the originals from past times but still a great game

User Rating: 9 | Aliens vs. Predator X360
This game is something that I've wanted for a long time. Now it's not as good as the original PC games but it's still awesome.

graphics - it actually has below par graphics but I didn't truly notice because the marine and predator character models are awesome. it's everything else that looks below par, also the cinema's look great.

sound - The sound is amazing with the music, the sound effects, and just the weird BG (back ground) sounds all being great.

gameplay - the gameplay is great. The predators actually have to use stealth, so you can't just run in and kill everybody with the wrist blades which is a nice touch. The marines are the same as always so I'll have to say that other games have done what the marine campaign is trying to be but the other games were actually better (in comparison to the marine campaign not the whole thing). Finally the alien, he's fast and kinda hard to play. Now the alien moves a bit too fast and you can get disoriented but that's just part of the challenge.
also the campaign length goes from longest to shortest in the following chart:
it's actually kinda sad that the stories for the former 2 are awesome but the alien doesn't have a good story or a very long campaign.

multiplayer - now here's where it gets better. The multiplayer is just flat out awesome. The game has so many types that you'll be constantly going back just to play a different mode.
species deathmatch
mixed species deathmatch
predator hunt
Now personally I haven't played domination but everything else is great (excluding deathmatch)

final feelings - this is a great game with the multiplayer being it's saving grace after a 10-15 hour singleplayer
if you're a fan of avp than get this game because it deserves to be played.
long live AVP