Graphics weren't the greatest but playing as Predator and Alien rocked!

User Rating: 7.5 | Aliens vs. Predator X360
I was dissappointed with the graphics on the game, nothing was sharp it was very pixalated. Tho the colors and the world creation was top notch.

I have played AVP before on Atari Jaguar and this one was way better. Playing as the marine was boring and the same as playing any other game. But Playing as Alien was pretty cool tho a but motion sickness and dizzyness when the alien grips the walls and goes upside-down. Playing as the predator was awesome, so much power and cool weaponry to use when playing it was great!

I would recommend this game for the bargain bin since its over too fast and not enough to make it worth more than $20 tops. Tho the game was great and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the movies of either type or the series of games. Glad I played it, definately enjoyable to play.

Fix the graphics and sharpen it up and it would be even better. The colors were cool and the world creation was great tho the repetitiveness of playing the same world 3 times over as marine, predator, and alien it was a tad repetitive like that. Nonetheless a great game!