AVP is a great game that stays true to it's franchise while having a familiar feel to the original.

User Rating: 9 | Aliens vs. Predator X360
AVP is a great game that really stays true to it's franchise. While the graphics aren't the greatest, the single player is merely mediocre, the game has a wonderful multiplayer experience. Seven different game modes allows endless fun and allows you to enjoy the experience without feeling like it's getting repetitive. These game modes are Infestation, Predator Hunt, Death Match, Team Death Match, Mixed Death Match, Domination, Survival Mode

Infestation is a new take to the classic zombie mode. Instead of facing off with one shambling zombie that slowly overwhelms your team as more and more players drop there's one fast moving and lethal alien. 17 marine players face off against a Xenomorph and if that Xenomorph scores a kill, more players join it's rank. What makes this, in my opinion, interesting than most games "Zombie" modes is that the Xenomorphs are extremely fast, aggressive, and can pop out of anywhere. This makes the fight for survival and to be the last man standing increasingly more difficult as more of your friends join their rank.

Predator Hunt is another interesting take on the classic known as Juggernaut. If a marine scores a kill on the Predator he becomes the next Predator. What makes it different is that the Predator can cloak, has highly advanced weapons, and a good well placed mind can take out most of the marine team. Even more, he has a plasma shoulder canon that can score multiple kills at one, the classic combi stick that many players simply don't see coming and much more.

Death Match, not much to say about this, it's easily in my opinion the weakest mode in the game. It allows you to pick one of the three species and go head to head in a free for all against one another. It's fun but I find it gets boring after all. It's also very anti-thematic compared to the other modes.

Team Death Match on the other hand is very fun and here is where it differs from other fps games! You don't play with one team but THREE. It's humans/Aliens/Predators in an all out fight to out score the other team via kills. Six humans against Six Aliens against Six Predators for a total of 18 players. With the difference between the species fighting styles you never know what to expect. This definitely ranks up there as one of the top game modes.

Mixed Team Death Match is the classic Team Death Match. Two sides fighting it out but the difference here is that each Team can be any species you want. I dislike this mode buuut I find that it's better than regular Death Match. It can be really fun if you have friends who refuse to play the same species as yourself in the other team death match and this way you can all get together with your preferred species and have fun.

Domination is the same as other games. Try to hold several points to outscore the other team. Other people might be thrilled with this addition but I feel it could have been done without. It's not my cup of tea and there's not much to say about it.

Finally there's survival mode. You and three friends group up to fight wave after wave of Xenomorphs. Each wave forcing you to be more frantic and desperate than the last as you try to stay alive and make it through.

So why didn't I give the game a 10/10? There's one massive flaw to this otherwise fun game but we already knew about it before it released, right? The single player is short. I mean, really short. 5 hours average for each campaign but can be completed in a total of 8 hours if you're a skilled gamer. The level designs are very linear and within an hour of playing there's not much surprises left in store. The old school addition of bosses are fun but you'll be done with this in a few hours. If you're in it for the single player experience? The game is worth a rent. If you love Multiplayer? This is one of THE must have FPS games.