To all those Alien, Predator, and sadly those AVP movie fanatics. This game is perfect for those who love these movies!

User Rating: 8.5 | Aliens vs. Predator X360
This game takes a while to immerse yourself into but after about the first half hour of playing the game you will find yourself loving every bit of the game. It is what the fans of the movies have always wanted but were let down by the two avp movies. It can settle the debate amongst your friend on who would win if an all out war broke out with Predators, Aliens, and Marines. The Campaign is a blast especially with the three separate campaigns in the game. The predator makes you feel like a tough ass person, while you feel freaking evil using the aliens crawling over walls decapitating, skull exploding, and tail piercing anything that stands in your way. And the Marine campaign is as scary as hell! Rebellion has created a game with the perfect feel from the predators great visions, the aliens hiss and wall crawling(which can get clunky feeling) and the sounds of all the marine weapons and their iconic motion sensor. The multiplayer aspect of the game is really enjoyable and will keep you coming back for more. I found the easiest way to get into it was to play as the marine and find better weapons. This game takes a while to catch onto online but once you get the hang of it you will be blast, stabbing, and decapitating your way with a grin on your face the whole time.

If you enjoyed the movies then do yourself a favour and pick up this game it will not disappoint.

I give this game an 8.5

Reviewed by: Justin McCoy