The marine campaign was one of the scariest FPS I have ever played.

User Rating: 9.2 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
I never played the original Aliens vs. Predator. I had seen screens and watched some people play but I wasn't that interested. But when #2 came out I figured I would give it a try and I am happy to say that I did for the marine levels alone. You can start off the game as either one of three races but it is recommended you do them in order to follow the story line. The marine levels are extremely nerve racking as the lack of lighting and noises you hear along with the range finder reporting something over in that corner left me seriously jumpy everytime I played it. Even when I replayed the game, knowing where the aliens would be coming from I was jumpy. You can use your flashlight but it has an extremely short life span. You also have some flare you can pick up and when you throw them at the wall they will stick, giving off an eerie glow that casts more shadows around you. The motion detector was probably my favorite toy due to the fact that you could actively see where creatures were coming from but just not if they were up or down from you so I would be swinging my weapon in wild archs trying to find the alien creatures. Did I mention the sound effects at all? If I haven't then I have completely done this game a disservice. One word, creepy. The aliens scuddle, the wind blows and things crash. And when this is happening in a low light level... True fear. Most of this I experienced in the marine level and some in the Predator level too. The sounds in the alien level are just as creepy, but since your playing as an alien, I didn't feel the suspense I did in the marine levels. When I had completed the single player levels, I moved onto the multi-player levels next and for a few years I really enjoyed it until all of the hacks and cracks started showing up. But if you manage to find a good server with plenty of people on it, then you can become instantly addicted. So in closing I would like to say that there is a lot I didn't touch on, the weapons for the marines or predators, the class structure in multi-player or even my take on all three races. The reason for that is I would simply recommend trying them yourself as everyone will have a different take on there favorite character or weapons. I personally prefered the aliens in multi-player and the marines in single player. ;)