Missing the spine-tingling thrills of Avp & AvP2

User Rating: 7 | Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt PC
All I can say is that the first AvP and its sequel AvP2 both sent chills up and down my spine when I played them. Playing the expansion pack Primal Hunt, left me wanting. It felt almost like a thrown together sequel, almost unfinished if you will.
I am not calling it unplayable, in fact I did still enjoy it, I am the sort of fan of a genre that more is better, even if it's not great.
It would be at best to consider this game better suited as bonus material for the original AvP2 rather than an expansion pack. Which ironically is almost how I came across it, my copy of AvP2 came bundled with Primal Hunt. I think the high rating I did give it was rather more for the fact I did not pay extra for it.
But ultimately I prefer playing as the Colonial Marine versus the Predator or the Alien, I believe that is where the chill factor comes from.
But again I still enjoyed the game regardless of its flaws.