A l i e n S , and Preds, and Face Huggers! OH , MY!!!

User Rating: 9 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
This game lacks the same moody, creepy feeling as first (Rebellion) AVP 1.
Butt, It does have a certain uniqueness to the levels, as does the other Monolith game (FEAR). But, on to AVP2. This game has an okay Multi Player game/maps/weps, etc... But , the one thing that is even better : The Single Player Maps. Which are easily the most "Creepiest....Spookiest " ...and just like the first Alien movie, give you a sense of foreboding , that something BAD is about to happen, and It DOES alright.....But in a Good way...
The one thing that would make this game even better, aside from the usual request of more MAPS. Would have been the abilty to drive that Troop Transport(Like a Hummer or ATV) just like in ALIENS. WHooooweeee! And CRASH it thru the walls into another MAP> NOW, Wouldnt That have added Much more Bang to youre experience. That and a couple more things. Maybe added: driveable vehicles, and ability to pick up a dead Preds Disc and Throw it. Just like Danny Glover did in Predator 2. Ha..Ha..Ha..ha.....Ha.......(Self Destruct)
And one more thing, the Self Destruct in the Multi Player doesnt work either , which is a little disappointing.
Well, thats all . Just go get the game if youre into an uneasy, and darkly foreboding single player experience. There are Maps that are supported by die hard fans, but you have to generally try a lot before you find the good ones.
One Map pack has over several hundred alone, but is a massive download if youre patient enough , and Youre a die hard fan, shouldnt be too long a wait.
Overall, A Good Solid Game, and All the Creepy Aliens , Preds and Face (Huggers) you can Kill Kill and Mount on your wall. Haa..ha....
Hey , that wouldve been another cool thing : A trophy wall with your kills of the day......;>P

P.S. For all you ALIEN fans: The words FACE HUGGER and PREDS are also confused with other words in SPELL CHECKER::::::::::::

Highers, Hughes, Hugger, Hugues, Hungers, Buggers, Luggers, Muggers, Hughie's, Hugged, Hugs, Hikers, Huger, and how bout some Chiggers, Hagglers, Hunger's, Fugger's(THIS ONE IS R-RATED!), Bugger's, Lugger's, and Mugger's, Rugger's, Hugues's, Hogger, Augers, Hodges, Hugo's, Haggis, Hedges, Huggins, Huygens, Hangers, Hedgers, Hunkers, Huskers, Hague's, Hodge's, Hedge's, Hiker's, Chigger's, Haggler's, Huber's, Luger's, Auger's, Hagar's, Hanger's, Hedger's, and Husker's(What! No Huggies)

Preds Pr eds, Pr-eds, Pre ds, Pre-ds, Prods, Prides, Prudes, Press, Pres, Reds, Parades, Preys, Preps, Prats, Periods, Pride's, Prude's, Premeds, Prates, Pared, Pares, Peres, Pored, Pores, Pried, Pries, Pured, Pures, Pyres, Reads, Red's, Reeds, Perts, Spreads, Prue's, Prey's, Pyre's, Fred's, Prado's, Pren's, Prudi's, Prudy's, Ypres, Prep's, Pr's, Prut's, Prat's, Parade's, Period's, Read's, Redd's, Reed's, Reid's, Pd's, Peri's, Peru's, Rd's, & Perot's