one of the best games Ive ever played

User Rating: 10 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
Played single player through about 30 times in the 1'st 3 years it was out - 7 years later - just reinstalled it - and I'm amazed how even modern games pale in comparison to a game from 2001. AvP 3 - where are you?? - for PC - not next-gen systems.

The graffics - best DX8 can do
Sound - perfect - a bit redundant - but exactly what it should be
Story - 3 charachters in an intertwining plot - makes replay even better than the 1'st time around
Violence - a bit extreem - what what else can you expect from a predator and an alien

overall - I still to this day base even Half-Life standards off this game.