Pretty sweet for its graphics.

User Rating: 8.5 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
I remember playing this at a young age. I LOVED pretending like I was actually a marine investigating I disaster. It was so fun to go through dark rooms filled with severed limbs and blood. This game may have horrible graphics, but it is a very fun game. It's basicly a cross between alien movies and predator movies. You play as "Frosty", a marine who gets caught up in a horible situation involving aliens, predators, and guys in orange jumpsuits that shoot at you. The gameplay is pretty simple but fun. All you do is shoot and jump around. One thing I don't like is that aliens are almost as, if not faster than you. Also, sometimes objectives are hard to follow. I could never get past the marine part where you are in the mech suit for the first time. i never knew exactly what to do. So although I haven't beat this game, I can tell you that it provides a great FPS expirience for fans of the alien series, the predator series, or just people into FPS's.
Note: The AVP movies are NOTHING like the game.