Hit and miss

User Rating: 6 | Alien: Isolation XONE
Alien Isolation is bar far the best game to use the Alien license, it hits the most important aspects such as design and atmosphere but misses the gameplay and partially the story. The design and atmosphere of isolation is fantastic and does a great job of recapturing the original film. The art style is taken straight from the films with its retro-future look which does wonders for immersion. As does the dark station it's set on, lighting and near perfect sound design create a very tense atmosphere at times. The xenomorph itself is close to spot on, it's unpredictable and deadly as it should be. However a bit of the fear factor is lost due to its movement, it doesn't slither as much as it could and you do gain the upper hand towards then end, changing the dynamic drastically. Gameplay however is not up to the same par. Although the xenomorph Ai is unpredictable and dynamic the game is not. You quickly realise that the game follows the same stereotypes as most horror games and isn't bold enough to do something different. It seems a prisoner of its genre, A doesn't work so go to B to fix A so you can get to C. Just as you get to C something else goes wrong and you have to deal with that. It's a system that becomes repetitive and it does have an effect on the gameplay, especially with lots of back tracking. If you've played dead space then it's similar in a sense to that game. Overall the game is a good experience, more so in the dark with headphones which is highly recommended. However it is difficult to play it for more than a couple of hours at a time since it can become repetitive and boring. If you can pick it up for a good price then you should give it a go. Recommended