If you like Alien movies and you play it the right way, you will love this game!

User Rating: 10 | Alien: Isolation PS4

After playing this game till the end, i'm still wondering why Gamespot has been so critical by giving the game a 6. The reproduction of the movie is flawless (when i finished the game, i watched the alien movies and i cant believe it how they made every details the same!). The gameplay is very good and very intuitive. I think that some people who gave a bad evaluation of the game were frustrated because you have to hide so often when you play. Well, if you watched the movies, you will noticed that hiding is your only chance against the alien. Are you suppose to go after it with a magnum 45 or a shotgun??? If you want to get the maximum from this game, play on a big HD screen, put the audio on a good sound system, play at night when its very dark in the room. You will be scared i promise...