Ehhhhh. It's a good renter at least.

User Rating: 6.5 | Disney Alice in Wonderland WII
Disney did a phenomenal job portraying the remade classic of Alice in Wonderland.The movie was followed closely by the game with some additions (to make the game playable of course). The voice acting was done well and the graphics on the Wii are, lets say surprisingly better then a lot of games I've played on this console. I also liked that the powers in the game are very unique and some are very cool. But there is just something about spending HOURS cutting down little trees and shrubs that gets boring after a short time, and not to mention killing the same red playing cards over and over again throughout your journey. All in all, if you can stand repetitive games then this one is a 10/10, and don't get me wrong when i say the puzzles are fun and the parts that aren't woods are pretty cool, but for those of you who are like Mii, I give it a 6.5/10