Could've been great...but it isn't.

User Rating: 5 | Alias XBOX
I'm a huge Alias fan, so of course I was so excited about this game when I heard about it. Alias is the perfect show for a game to spawn from! Gadgets, stealth, fighting, cool outfits, bad guys! But the game just doesn't stand up to Alias quality, the storyline is so-so, the faces don't look much like any of the characters, and it takes a while to get used to the controls. At least the voice-overs are by the actors, and Marshall made me chuckle a couple of times. It was great to play as Syd and feel like a superspy for a while. But mostly while I was playing the game I kept thinking, this could've been awesome! They could've had a whole Alias series like the Tom Clancy version, with a continuing story that progresses through the games, and multiplayer levels! But....that didn't happen, and now Alias got cancelled so it probably never will. So I'm disappointed and frustrated that this game didn't get the attention it deserved.