Play this game only if you have nothing better to do !!!...

User Rating: 3.5 | Alcatraz PC
This is a pretty easy game to review...because it is so bad on multiple levels that i had to finish the game just to warn other you are on the famous Alcatraz prison where you have to fight a general and his entire army just by yourself (aiding you is a female voice that guides you)...the game is very very short (like under 4 hours on hard difficulty)...i played the german version (all i could hear over 100 times was: JOE , ROGER , POSITIVE ,VERSTANDEN) ...all maps in the game are reused at least 3, 4 times so you have to walk around the same perimeter again and again...the weapons magazine are very small so your ammunition is over in 2, 3 seconds so you have to reload every 2, 3 seconds over and over ...every time some bad guys would come you would hear some music so there was no immersion at all ...after you killed the bad guys the music wood stop (that's entertaining)...the graphics where acceptable (and the explosions)...the AI was very bad and predictable...the game was over in a snap (that was a positive note)...overall a pretty bad at your own risk !!!...