One hellova dumb game.

User Rating: 1 | Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter (Reprint) PS2
This game is so crud I don't think it even deserves a review. This game is so crud it makes me want to cry. The graphics are terrible, the gameplay is even worse and the damn helicopters are impossible to fly. Crappy voice acting and no background noise really stuff this game up. You fly through some of the levels and you find yourself in complete silence, only the incessant rotor blade noise keeps you from going completely mental.

The first mission has you land between a two buildings in a huge city. The main challenge is maneuvering the helicopter to get yourself into and advantageous position. Once your down there you have to rescue the poor guy, then fly him to safety in yet another congested part of the city. If you manage to pass that mission, you will tasked with saving four people from a sinking ship. I thought there was no point, i turned of the game and I haven't played it since.

If you like to own crappy games, then this is the ultimate game for you, otherwise steer clear of this sorry attempt at a video game, steer very clear.