I have spent endless hours on this game, there is really no getting bored with it, even after all this time.

User Rating: 10 | Age of Mythology PC
Almost 6 years after I first got this game I'm still playing it, it really is that good. Sure the graphics are now outdated, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the best rts games I've played. Having said that about the graphics, they aren't too shabby either, the water and the waves, the sunlight and shadows, and the lush forests give Age of Mythology a really amazing atmosphere with beautiful scenery.

Now I haven't played through the single player campaign in a while but from what I do recall it is very well done with beautiful level design, an engaging story and lots of different options for your creative needs when it comes to building up a civilization.

There are three different civilizations to choose from in a random map game (this is my favourite type, very fun to just build and destroy things), They are, Norse, Egyptian and Greek. Each of these has three major gods to choose from, and once in the game you will be worshipping minor gods to advance your civilization further.

There is a good number of weapons, soldiers, mythical creatures, and buildings to satisfy anyone, and playing this game can consume hours of time, and for the price of this game now why would you hesitate to buy it? It is quite possibly the best strategy game around, 10/10.