A worthy expansion for a great game.

User Rating: 9 | Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion PC
Age of Conquerors offers much in the way of innovation. The first thing you notice is that there are five new civilizations (Aztecs, Mayans, Koreans, Spanish, and the Huns) bringing the total to 18 civ. Each civ has it's own unique unit or ability but this doesn't make the game any more appealing because at the first site it resembles the original.

This expansion does bring a few new changes for example, you can now garrison foot soldiers inside battering rams, the mangonel doesn't fire upon enemy targets in the midst of friendly troops, also, some of the Age of Kings civilizations have been tweaked to make them more balanced with the rest.

As far as the single player campaign, four new campaigns (these detail some historical leaders like Atila the Hun or Montezuma) have been added.
Another great thing about this expansion is that the computer opponent's artificial intelligence has been enhanced, not only to make the game easier than for beginners, but also to make it more challenging for more advanced players

The Conquerors offers more additions and improvements, such as new map types for battles, as well as interesting new game types that emphasize production over combat.

All the additions in the Conquerors entice every player co concentrate on this great game for many years to come.