Perfect multiplayer! I'm still playing nowdays, every week. Everyday metting better players, pushing over the lim

User Rating: 10 | Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion PC
Today is november 11th 2008, and I'm still highly addicted in a 1999's game.

Introduction for the AoE II
Playing against AI is nothing compared to multiplayer experience, especially at lan, kind of Counter Strike for strategy.
Still have a great community of player sharing IP, hamachi lan (good for avoiding broad-band internet router settings).Choose a civilization, raise it, and attack the enemy.

This is the best Age of Empires ever, including the new Age of empires III expansions. Of course graphics are old style 2D-3D pictures, but gameplay is the most balanced of all, every single unit has a good use, every strategy has a counter-measure and there is always a player of your level ready to give good houers of battle and economy.

Many strategies werer developed and writen as a recipe for victory, such as FLUSH (feudal age rush), DRUSH (dark age rush), fast castle age and etc. You may learn lot of them looking for recorded games, that can be traded as a simple small file.

I tryed playing the new versions, with gorgeous graphic, but I always comes back for AoE 2 . If you want a perfect multyplayer retro game, this is the perfect choice, also game is so small and run in anny computer, also is possible to multiplay while downloading torrents.

(Conqueros expasion set)

About the expansion set, well , the civilizations added ;Huns, Mayans , Aztec , Spanish and Koreans are rally good. Huns and Spanish are the most used Civilizations used on multiplayer ( you don't have to build houses when playing as Hun).About Mayans and Aztec, i don't know why the hell are they fighting against midle age civilization, but is very enjoyable using them.
Also new "MMLEZ"(make my life easier)" stuff added, and new campaings.

If you play the expansion, you'll never play anymore the old version!

NOTE: Look also for the Patch released from Microsoft with bug fixing and ballancing civilizations (not essential).

FINAL: My favorit computer game ,10, perfect!!!!