Great graphics, solid gameplay and more make The Conqurors worth every cent.

User Rating: 8.8 | Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion PC
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings has come out with an expansion pack. Tis The Conqurors. Adding a few civs to the mix (including Meso-American), improved AI and better gameplay make this an exelent add-on.


Even though this game is 2D, it still remains as one of the best graphics in RTS gaming. The sprites are all detailed and historicly accurate. This helps add to the feeling of being a Medival war lord.


Very fun. I got this game 2 years ago and still play it everyday. It just never gets old. The AI is tough, but not too challenging. They use great tactics. However, there is a downfall the the AI. When it runs out of recourses, they don't do anything. Which leaves you to easily take them out. Oh and each civ now has it's own tech. That's right, not only do they have a unique unit, but a unique tech aswell.


These are well done, historic campaigns about key figures during the Middle Ages. The Conqerors features a few more campaigns and one called "The Conqurors", which is about many people who have played an important role through history. Very good and challenging.