Once you can get over the initial learning curve AoC is nothing short of an amazing game with a few minor flaws.

User Rating: 7 | Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer PC
Age of Conan, AoC, has vastly improved since the turbulent days following its release. The expansion has brought a variety of content to the bloodthirsty title and does well to continue on the bloody trends that make this MMO one of the more mature titles on the market. The character models are what you would expect from the title, a collection of hulking men and women, with variety split into some minor details and races which I myself refer to factions. The class system is slightly modified with the collection of tanks, healers, and damage dealers though this is mostly expected from the genre. AoC's gameplay is amazing but the learning curve is quite steep with every action requiring a subsequent direction. You must also mind the enemy guard lest you weaken your attack by ignoring this aspect. But at the same time this mechanic grows quite clumsy once the UI expands beyond the initial bar. Though once you grow used to it, there is very little downside other than this detail. Combat is impressive, in depth, and quite gory and the mob variety is very large. Progression is your standard quest spam to reach the cap of 80, with the option of PVP progression should you decide to take part, you can even modify your character even more with the alternate advancement system. The game becomes exponentially more of a grind when you start deciding which factions you want to declare your allegiance to. The variety extends more at this point since you can essentially ally with whoever you want and the rewards are always unique depending on the faction. Overall this is a very solid addition to the game and it promises only to get better over time. However I would not recommend it to younger audiences nor would I recommend it to someone with not a lot of free time.