Its not the best game, but its also not the worst. You either like it or you don't.

User Rating: 7 | Age of Castles PC
The game Age of Castles is simple, get 1 billion people across 18 levels. First off, you choose your lord type (out of five).The Dwarf finds more gold,
The Prince gets more people,The Wizard gets more mana bonuses, The Knight builds the castle faster, and The Warrior finds more battles to fight. Then you start.

Gameplay is like this: you decide what jobs to place your people in (out of merchants, clerics, builders, and soldiers). Then you start your day. Each day can have 4 events (good, bad, or battles). Battles happen often. The battle screen composes of your army, the attackers, and the buttons. The battles start when you click the "attack" button. The battle acts as invisible rolling dice, using the attack and defence you have. You can also "retreat". If you win, you get goods. If you lose or retreat, you lose goods.

You can get items at the magic shop. You use mana to buy the items. New items are available at each level. Tales of the quests allows you to view your bonuses, wins, retreats, and what enemies you faced. And the Map of the Realm is used to view the areas there are, and to move to the next level.

Graphics 7.5/10: Not the best, but good for 2003 standards. Also, the graphics will appeal to castle strategy gamers.

Music/Sound 5.5/10: There is only one music track that loops, but it fits the game. The sounds are decent and fits too.

Gameplay 7/10: The gameplay is decent. I liked it. There is a lot of replay value overall. With battles to events its good.

Value 8/10: About 7 dollars is not completely worth the game, but there is replay value and other stuff to make up for it.

Overall: 7/10

I recommend you try it first. Again, this is a "you like it or you don't" game.