Bloody Entertainment, Cool Combos, Refreshing

User Rating: 7.5 | Afro Samurai PS3
This game is a blast. Its by no means a tough or complicated game but a good adventure and well worth playing. Its refreshing to see some decent blood and gore mixed with profanity and cool artistically rendered environment. If you are into anime this has a subtle touch of that with a north american twist.

There is a decent storyline to this one and makes the flow of the game somewhat of a combo between watching a movie and playing a vid. I personally enjoy games that don't worry about the censorship and just work on a whim. Given that this game is based on a series and a movie there are definitely some limitations in the confines of the game that otherwise the creators could have improved in terms of effects, special abilities, etc...

Rental is probably the way to go with this one as there are some glitches in map and gameplay that can be frustrating.
