Really fun game inspite of limited playtime I had

User Rating: 10 | Afro Samurai PS3
When I downloaded the demo onto my PS3 I really wasn't expecting much 'cause I'm not much of a hash'n'slash guy. But the concept of an "Afro samurai" was intriguing enough and the demo play was no disappointment.
Narration by Samuel L. Jackson are definitely a plus. The game's learning curve is quite quick. Not too much to do to stay alive, that's why I picked "easy" for difficulty. But in such intense close combat games as the difficulty goes higher playability goes down. But still it is a little bit below "just right" in terms of difficulty.
The graphics and flowability of the game was really addictive, I finished the limited demo play three times before I finally deleted it.
I would really love to purschase the full game, so if anyone is planning to buy me present for my birthday, Afro Samurai would be greatly appreciated. :)