Under rated game. Awesome look. Awesome music. A bit short and some frustrating glitches, but a good buy.

User Rating: 8 | Afro Samurai X360
Don't get hung up on the score. Afro Samurai is a fun game. Whether you want to just mash buttons and slice topless female ninjas in half, or if you want to master combos and soak you screen with blood the game's got it. Good stuff. Just too short and annoying at times. A few times during the game, especially during the platform jumping, you will die and be forced to watch a cut scene or start a few jumps back. Also, the camera does a bad job of following action, but you get use to it after a while. Boss fights are either very easy or very frustrating. But, the disappointing boss fights are balanced by some awesome fights during the stage when the action pauses, a great song comes in and you get swarmed by a bunch of enemies to slice and dice. Which brings up the greatest upside of this game... the soundtrack. When I put in the game, I would turn up my sound system and get immersed into the beautiful mic of hip-hop and eastern inspired music. Not a classic, but still one of the more enjoyable games I've played in a while. Oh yeah.. amazing music.