great story ,great combat, and great soundtrack by RZA not so great platforming and few times the camera

User Rating: 8 | Afro Samurai PS3
the reason why i got afro samurai was because i downloaded the demo and i really enjoyed it because of the combat system and great soundtrack. i didn't know that it had a very interesting story which led me to buying the first season on blu-ray and i plan to get resurrection sometime soon.
the game follows the story of the first season so i consider this game a movie game and something that bothered me was that events in the game didn't go the same as the movie. the game is great though specially when you get to fights with a great song playing to me it just felt good.
the worst part about this game is the platforming. it is extremely aggravating because sometimes you'll do a horizontal wall run instead of a vertical and vice versa also sometimes afro won't grab a ledge when intended to. and very few times the camera will give you trouble like during the final boss fight.
overall the game is very good with a few flaws. the story, combat and soundtrack are awesome, the platforming sucks terribly, and would wait until the price drops to $25 or $30 because i don't feel that this game is worth $40