Waaaaaay to short

User Rating: 7.5 | Afro Samurai PS3
The game is fine, the story and the music are great but the game is way to short, just when you are getting exited about it the game ends plus the only boss that might give a lil bit of a challenge is the last one of course also including the camera wich can get u real dizzy in a couple of mins since it can hardly be controled in some locations of the game, i think they could made it a lil bit longer or at least a lil bit challenging, the overall is that the game is pretty good even tho is not a game u could expect from ur aunt on the next holiday season lol...the blood on the game and the gore are at the level or almost at i would say to the GoW series (god of war/gears of war), the voice and the cinematic on the game was done perfectly and the voice of Mr. jackson couldnt be placed any better...hopefully they come up with a secuel or something like that