Very nostalgic.

User Rating: 8.8 | Sonic Wings 3 NEO
This is one of those games that will never get old for me and my friends. I first played this game in my friend Julie's comic store. Every weekend my friends and I would hang out and keep her company while she worked. When it was slow we'd play this, Shocktroopers, or 1945 on their arcade systems they had there. This is just one of those games where you can rack up crazy scores and get really competitive with your friends (at least we did) Our first goal was to reach 1,000,000 pts then who could beat the game on 1 quarter, then eventually we reached the 2,000,000 plus mark then eventually beating the game twice on 1 quarter and getting the highest score. Good times.

Technically this game wasn't anything special, they didn't really change the Aero Fighters formula (except rather than piloting modern planes like in previous installments you piloted WWII era planes) You'd shoot your way though seemingly endless hordes of Aliens and other wierd enemies (who can forget the monkey boss who played a banjo .... yeah.) Each plane while almost identical actually had very specific traits in that each person would eventually find "their" aircraft. (mine was the Viking and old Brittish dude piloting the Stuka) The graphics were a slight improvement over the previous two, and the sound is what you'd expect from a Neo Geo game. All and all this game is a great throw back to simpler times where high scores were more important than awsome graphics and plot development, so if you run into this game at a pizza restaurant, or liquor store take some time, pop a quarter in, and I dare you to beat my score. ; )