Aside from this game being "free" it actually is quite fun.

User Rating: 8 | Aegis Wing X360
Aegis Wing is a Very Hard game. It is simple enough to play yet tough enough to provide players a decent challenge. The campaign mode is short but fun. Were this game really stands out is it's multiplayer. You can play with up to four people going up against a giant boss. You will find this game very hard even when your playing online with your friends. This game is a side-scrolling science fiction, arcade shooter. Your main goal is to get to the end of the level to defeat the boss and win the game! I really only play this game with my friends because it is so hard. The nice thing about the game is that it is free and if you don't like it you can just delete it from your hard-drive without feeling bummed out for buying a lame game. Not that I think this game is lame. The graphics for the game are fine, there not great nor crapy. As for the music, it suits the game well. And the sound effects work well in time with your lazer guns. I do hope my review helped you, I can't say much because their isn't much to say. Thank you for reading!