User Rating: 10 | Advance Wars: Dual Strike DS
A fantastic game. Its funny, with bright sprites, good mechanics, and lots of challengeing levels in and out of the normal story campagin and lots and lots of goodies to unlock to keep your thumbs sore, eyes dry and up through the night going 'just one more turn.'

Though I do have to say some of the bad guys are a little cheesy, but thats not always a bad thing. And the twit trio (Koal, Kindle and Jugger) always make me laugh when I pound the snot out of them.

Oh, one thing... whats with Jake trying to talk like a hip hop singer?? That was just funny and wrong so many times. But I guess it fits. Kinda irked that there was no Andy in the campaign, but oh well. At least there was Max, hes the word on frontal assaults. (Darn those pesky indirect weapons)

Ah well, its a awesome game all around and I hope there is more to come.