Play God

User Rating: 8.3 | Actraiser SNES
The premise of this game is simple...clean out the lands of the "monsters" and place your people there instead. Have them build a community that worships you and then move on to the next land that needs cleansing. The music in this game is what made it great for me. Of course it's nothing like the music of today but for the time period it was great. I still play this game to this day because of the music alone. The side scrolling action isn't too much fun but the overhead community building is the great part. The side scrolling action is really something out of the NES days while this is supposed to be a Super NES title. The difficulty is ok in the game but the character controls during the side scrolling can get pretty frustrating. I would highly recommend this game to those who enjoy worl building type of games (SimCity, the Sims, etc)