A surprisingly fun game.

User Rating: 8.3 | Actraiser SNES
I actually was given this game when I was a kid, someone had found it at the dump and didn't have an SNES so I got it. My brother and I invested a lot of time in this game growing up. It is one of those games where you play it and love it, then after you finish it you forget about it. Yet years later you pick it back up again, and realize why you loved it in the first place. It is one of those great combining of two types of games, side scrolling and a sims like game. As you progress through the game you learn more abilities and the game gets harder as you do go along, but never to the point of being too hard. If nothing else you will enjoy the game because you can randomly lightning bolt houses, people, rocks, trees, etc... And hey what else can you hope for in a game.