What the heck is this?

User Rating: 1 | Action 52 NES
Action 52 is one of, if not, the worst game ever made. A lot of people review this game and I agree with them.

First there are 52 games. Which is good but when you start playing it right away, you'll find the games either boring, busted or broken. There are full of space shooters which causes them to bore them.

The graphics look horrendous. This is by far the worst looking game on the NES. The sprites look terrible and the backgrounds will make your eyes bleed.

The sound is horrible, the music is abysmal, The sound effect sound like people threw screaming chickens at the cow, the only good music was the Cheetahmen theme, that sound cool in my opinion but cannot save the game.

So whatever you do, don't buy, rent or download a rom. Because this the most broken game ever made!!
