A gaming hell. That's all I can describe this game.

User Rating: 1 | Action 52 NES
This has got to be the worst game ever made on the NES. It's even worse than Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Where's Waldo, Color a Dinosaur, Little Red Hood, even Sunday Funday. But what makes this so bad? Well, as I mentioned in the title, there are 52 games which are all busted, cheap rip offs, some that crash the game, some you can't win or lose.

And another thing! 199.99 dollars?!! Seriously? If they really sold that for that much, the makers of this game should be fired. It should be a life sentence in prison for making such a horrible game that stole everyone's money. Speaking of makers, I bet either Goldfinger, Mr. Krabs, or Scrooge McDuck made this game.

The last game, Cheetahmen is still one of the worst games ever made, even though it's not as bad as the other 51 games. But it's still very bad. It's very easy to get killed by everyone, and the only way to beat it is to glitch the game.

Overall, I would love to give this a 0.0 but oh well.

Like I said, they should've been arrested for making this game and committing fraud.

Action 52 is the unholy relic that lies to the innocent, and throw them into a Video Game Hell. It's that bad. If you don't believe me, go check the AVGN's review of this. He's got more to say about this.