THIS IS NOT A FLIGHT SIMULATION!!!! Never the less its still a great game.

User Rating: 8 | Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War PS2
Ace combat the belkan war places you into the role of an ace, no suprises their. But its combat is so easy to control and use i could fly easily. Its fun to see battles take place. Some of the battles have a lot of planes fighting it out but not all of them. Some of the levels end with you fighting a connected group of enemy aces. Some of these battles are super frustrating. Sometimes the only way to beat them is to out run them the turn back fast and blow them to pieces. That is the only way to take them down sometimes. Even if you turn around fast enough then it comes down to the 2 seconds you have to lock on and fire a missle right into their nose. But the dogfights are awesome when your fighting week boss groups and the average pilot. I dont know why some ignorent people are calling this a flight sim, do not believe them it is the most non accurate air combat game ive ever played. The planes though are accurate to their real life counterparts. I would reccomend this game to anyone looking for some fun plane on plane action. If you want this now cheap arcade style flight game go buy.