A major step back from it's predecessor...

User Rating: 5 | Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War PS2
Honestly, Ace Combat 5: Unsung War is one of my favorite games of all time for the PS2. I believe the time I spent on it was amazing for this type of game (about 40 to 50 hours) and this happened because of 2 reasons: amazing storyline with great characters and well made controls/missions/plane models.

My expectations for this sequel were really high because I thought it would be better or, at least, at the same level from the previous one...

Unfortunately, that didn't happen... Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War is amazing when it comes to graphics/controls but, to everything else, is a big letdown.

The first disappointment was the shortage of squad mates: instead of giving orders to 3 aces you have ONLY one to order, which makes the Squadron system pretty useless in my opinion.

The second was the storyline: I don't know but it seemed to me that all the missions were a bit disconnected with each other and, after some time playing, you'll probably lose the interest in the game. I really don't understand why they used the Belkan War story so lightly, maybe the producers wanted some pocket money after seeing the success of AC 5.

The third was the missions: On it's predecessor, the missions were somewhat all connected and, besides all the action going around, you received some parts of the storyline along with it (who remembers the mission with the first appearance of the Arkbird or the final battle against Belkan aces???). In this game none of the battles were really interesting or worthy talking about (In my case, I don't remember any of them)

In all the others aspects of the game I don't have much to complain but what made me really angry is that they took the previous game, used the storyline so they wouldn't waste much time writing, and put together an average game that's just another Jet Simulator, not the Grand franchise Ace Combat.