Glad I rented it. Not even close to being worth owning it.

User Rating: 2.5 | Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War PS2
The same old thing that all the other previous Ace Combat games were. Fly a bunch of seek and destroy missions while they pump you up with a bunch of bull about how good you are. Every mission gets lamer and lamer. The aircraft you fly is real and bound by the laws of physics. But the aircrafts you fly against later in the missions are unbelievable! Laser beams mounted on the back of jets that can take hit after hit after hit and still wont go down. They have an arsenal of highly lethal and unbelievable magnitude while you are stuck with your meager rockets that just wont even scratch your enemies high tech out of this world jet that can fly and turn corners like a flying saucer! Rent before you buy unless you like getting the shaft on realism.