A series that never fails to impress, and with the lastest installment out on PSP, it's proved it right again.

User Rating: 10 | Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception PSP
As soon as the PSP came out, you could tell there where many ace combat fans posing the question on whether or not ace combat would be released on the system, and when the news came that it was in development, many breathed a sigh of relief.

Now on the actually review, the first thing i have to say about this game is that it is arguably (for me that is) one of the best ace combats ever to appear, the controls may take a little getting used to,but once your past that barrier, it's an unforgettable and joyful experience. The graphics are brilliant for the system, the missions are well varied and the planes all handle differently from one another, which is a good thing.

Sound wise, it's what can be expected, radio chatter is good and sometimes funny, plane effects are good. But i would of thought the different engines would of sounded different but it dosen't change the fact that it is still a great game.

The modeling on each plane is well crafted and with the amount of aircraft featured, it certainly creates it's own unique feel.

Gameplay is overall good but i was surprised with the lack of missions, even though each is just about fulfilling enough to make up for it i suppose. But if you aim to get 100% in this game then you will be get 100 + hours out of it so don't expect it to be over after you finish the campaign.

For newcomers to the ace combat series, i would recommend to play something like AC5 before this game, as it may be a little weird, or not, that's just my advice.

The cutscenes are of good quality but for some reason unexpectedly cut out half way through sometimes for some reason. This has been reported alot some it isen't just my copy!

Over all, i would giv this game 9/10, only being let down by the random "cut"-scenes and the lack of mission but for any fan of the series i would highly recommend this game, for it is a work of genius.

Graphics 9/10
Sound 8/10
Gameplay 9/10
Re-usability 10/10

Overall 9/10